Saturday, November 18, 2017

Today's Second Absurdity

With nearly 100% of the recent cases of objectifying women, the misogynists are Leftists. NOT Republicans. So for all their "protections of women's rights and freedoms", those are not internalized by the self-righteous, moralizing Left, which is full of sex offenders, Leftist sex predators on women. And the Left, and probably most of Congress, Hollywood, etc., KNEW about it and did NOTHING.

Irrationality is a marker of having taken the blue pill. It makes internal contradictions OK.

1 comment:

Steven Satak said...

One set of rules for them, another set for the rest of us. That's how they escape charges of hypocrisy and issues of cognitive dissonance.

It's fairly obvious to the rest of us, but they deny it's what they do every single time the accusation comes up. Lately, though, they have been leaning hard on the moral and intellectual pretentions to superiority - as if to establish they are elites, and thus, entitled to maintain a double standard.

Without actually saying so, mind you. They're lazy cowards; as a result, they expect us to connect the dots and then line up peacefully. This is, of course, the point where the rubber meets the road and the 'elites' crash full on into reality.

Which is, we outnumber them, we're not stupid, and we can shoot back.